3 Days
API United – Certified API, REST & Microservices Tester with Postman (CARMT)
Duration of courses


About the Course
In the modern world there is an increased trend of promoting reuse in software via exposing software functions as standard interfaces called APIs. Most cloud as well as SaaS and utility IT applications are made available as APIs and more recently microservices. API United – Certified API, REST and Microservices Tester (CARMT) with Postman or Karate is a three-day intensive, hands-on and interactive training to help you develop skills and knowledge to survive in the intense world of information transmission.
Who should attend:
Testers and practitioners who work with APIs. It provides a comprehensive view of:
- The different components of API and Microservices testing
- Relation of MSA (microservices architecture) to API and SOA
- Different standards for API
- Test design techniques for API testing
- Life cycle of API testing techniques including security, load, and interoperability
- A hands-on view of API testing with popular tools like soapUI and Postman
- Automation at API testing level
- Contract First Testing in Microservices
- Extended Tools for Microservices testing
- At least 2 years of testing experience.
- Familiarity with Web Applications
- A basic knowledge of JavaScript (highly recommended)
Course Outline
Chapter 1:
Introduction to Application Programming Interfaces (API)
- Application Programming Interface (API)
- Advantages and Implementation of API Usage
Chapter 2:
REST Architecture
- REST Architecture
- The Main Components of REST
- The Different Methods of REST
Chapter 3:
Service-Oriented Architecture
- Basics of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Chapter 4:
- Basics of Microservices
Chapter 5:
Testing APIs
- API Testing in the Test Pyramid
- Positive Testing of APIs
- Negative Testing of APIs
- Security Testing of APIs
- Load Testing of APIs
- Integration Testing of APIs
- Automation in API Testing
- Mocking of Services
- Testing Microservices
Upcoming Class
Pricing & Payment Plans
Course Fee
RM 5,200
Malaysia Price (MYR)
$ 1,480
International Price (USD)
Plus RM 1,050 / $ 300 for exam fee.
*Price above before local tax
Fill the training course registration form by clicking the button below to register.
You can reach us via WhatsApp at +6011 51124480 between Monday and Friday,
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (GMT+8) – Kuala Lumpur , Singapore