1 day
Data Center Fundamentals (DCF®)
Duration of course


Training Partner
About the Course
This program has been designed to help de-mystify the complex world of data centers. It provides an overview of what data centers are, what they do and why we need them. Key aspects relating to basic design and design philosophies are also examined and the essential considerations of data center management such as operational processes, energy management and facility management are explored along with their relationships to overall business strategy.
The data center sector as a whole is also explained including the value of the sector today, the significant growth it has experienced and how this will continue in the future.
Course Overview
To provide an overview of the data center sector, the functional requirements of the data center facilities, the key aspects of data center working infrastructure and their management, and the facility’s relationship to the delivery of the business strategy.
This program has been designed for individuals who are either new to the data center sector (technicians with limited experience or exposure to data center facilities) or for those who sell products and services to the data center sector. If you would like to discuss your experience or suitability for this program please contact us.
- CNet Training certification
- Use of the official Data Center Fundamentals
digital badge
Chapter 1:
What is a Data Center?
- Define a data center
- Identify the main data center types
- Identify the business service options
- Emerging delivery and future demands
Chapter 2: The Role and Objectives of
a Data Center
- Driving factors for a data center
- Data center standards
- Data center availability models and considerations
- Location and building considerations
Chapter 3: Design Overview
- Criticality considerations and their relationship to
business strategy - The four key constraints (4Cs) – power, cooling,
IT infrastructure and space
Chapter 4: Managing a Data Center
- Regulations, best practices and operational processes
- Move, adds and change processes
- Efficient energy management
- Decommissioning processes
- IT and physical security
Chapter 5: The Data Center Industry
and Market
- The size of the market
- Market drivers and trends
- Powering the internet
Upcoming Class
Pricing & Payment Plans
Course Fee
RM 3,600
Malaysia Price (MYR)
$ 799
International Price (USD)
*Price exclude applicable taxes
Fill the training course registration form by clicking the button below to register.
You can reach us via WhatsApp at +6011 51124480 between Monday and Friday,
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (GMT+8) – Kuala Lumpur, Singapore